About Us, Our Story

Several Years ago when my wife and I bought our home, we had closed on it just as the country shut down for the pandemic. Talk about panicked!!! But fortunately, we weathered the times with divine help of course, and proceeded to put a lot of love and effort into our home. Carpet flying and band aids by the box full later, not to mention the late night painting sessions, we had built our own house of eshgh. In case you don't know the word eshgh is the Persian word for love. Then my wife had such a beautiful idea, she said "Let's write something on the door, but in Persian so people will ask." So totally trusting my wife and knowing her heart I stenciled the words on the door and painted the phrase that she had drawn out. As I pealed the stencil back I asked what it said and she replied, "This is the house where love lives." It was at that moment that I had the idea for The House of Eshgh. You see I had at that moment a clarity as to what that statement meant. Its the little things like the band aids and the painting parties and all the other things that happen in the house that invites love to live there. So over time as we talked about what would The House of Eshgh actually be? Given the many years of retail and customer service that both my wife and I have we finally decided we would draw on that experience. But what to sell? The more I thought about it and we talked it over we decided to find products that we can sell at a fair price that you will love not only for you but the ones you love.  Items that we hope will become part of those memories you build in your very own house of eshgh. 

We thank you for taking a moment to find out about us and visit our site. 


Scott Turner

P.S. As we grow we hope to offer bigger and better items and perks like free shipping so please support us and we will give back to our loyal customers!